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Florida Mesothelioma

Florida Asbestos Lawyer

The origins of our mesothelioma advocacy lie with our principal attorney, who, after losing his father-in-law to the devastating disease, understands just how life-altering it can be for victims and their families. That is why at The Throneberry Law Group, we offer aggressive and engaged legal representation for mesothelioma victims and their loved ones in Florida and throughout the United States.

Our attorneys have helped mesothelioma victims throughout Florida obtain the compensation that they deserve ,including individuals who live in Cape Canaveral, Cape Coral, Fort Lauderdale, Hialeah, Hollywood, Jacksonville, Miami, Panama City, Pembroke Pines, Pensacola, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, and Tampa.

Statistics reveal that Florida has the second highest number of asbestos-related deaths in the United States. Whether at home or on job sites, a large number of individuals in Florida are exposed to asbestos on a daily basis. Some of the workers who are at greatest risk of asbestos exposure include pipefitters, plumbers, and steamfitters, but all workers including school teachers and administrative assistants are at risk of being diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Power Plants in Florida Known for Asbestos Exposure

One of the main reasons why asbestos was particularly attractive industrial material for many years was its ability resisting high heat and fire. There are still many power plants in Florida where workers are at risk of asbestos exposure, including:

  • Anclote Power Plant
  • Big Bend Powerplant
  • Big Bear Powerhouse
  • Blackpoint Power House
  • Cape C. Fort Pierce Municipal Power Plant
  • Crystal River Power Plant
  • Cutler Ridge Power Plant
  • Crist Power Plant
  • Fort Lauderdale Electric Company
  • Ft. Myers Power Plant
  • Gannon Power Plant
  • Gulf Power Plant
  • Hookers Point Power Plant
  • Lakeland Powerhouse
  • Larsen Memorial Powerhouse
  • Port Everglades Power Plant, Unit 2
  • Port Everglades Power Station
  • Saint Lucie Nuclear Power Plant
  • St. Mark's Powerhouse
  • Sholz Power Plant
  • Smith Power Plant or Smith Generating Plant
  • Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant
  • Vero Beach Municipal Power Plant
Asbestos Exposure at Industrial Workplaces in Florida

In addition to power plants, many other industries also relied on asbestos due to its heat-resistant properties prior to the release of reports that asbestos exposure results in mesothelioma. Some of the industrial workplaces that are known to have used asbestos include the following:

  • Dupont Corporation
  • Mulberry Phosphate Mine
  • Mulberry Phosphate Mine
  • U.S. Sugar
Florida Shipyards and Asbestos Exposure

Many people are aware that for years, the shipbuilding industry as well as shipyards used asbestos in a variety of ways. In addition to being used inside of boats, asbestos was also used to reduce the risk of fires in several pieces of heavy machinery including turbines and pumps. Some of the shipyards in Florida where workers might have been exposed to asbestos include the following:

  • Atlantic Dry Dock
  • Gibbs Shipyard (Aerojet) in Jacksonville and St. Johns
  • Gibbs Shipyard in Tampa
  • Gulf Marine Repair Corporation
  • The Hendry Corporation
  • Mayport Navy Station
  • Pensacola Naval Air Station
  • Pensacola Navy Yard
  • Tampa Bay Shipbuilding
Asbestos Exposure and Florida Steel Mills

Many industries that frequently rely on electricity, heat, and flames to complete work processes once relied heavily on asbestos due to its capabilities as an insulator. One of the mills where workers were previously exposed to asbestos is Ameristeel.

Asbestos Exposure at Chemical Plants in Florida

The chemical manufacturing industry is another type of industry that relied on the heat-resistant nature of asbestos for many years and as a result exposed many workers to the dangers of mesothelioma. Some of the chemical plants located in Florida include Jacksonville Chemical Plant and Petro Chemical Products.

Asbestos Exposure and the Florida Space Coast

With a well-known and impressive aeronautical history, the Florida Space Coast area is home to Cape Canaveral and marks the site where the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launches space flights. Unfortunately, even NASA and other branches of the federal government uses asbestos in its buildings as well as in various space modules.

The Risk of Exposure to Asbestos for Florida Residents

Asbestos containing materials were used to construct many of Florida’s public buildings and homes, which is why many of Florida’s residents are still exposed on a daily basis. Asbestos remains in the insulation, tiles, and wall boards of many houses and commercial buildings throughout the state. Some examples of buildings where individuals in Florida are known to have been exposed to asbestos include:

  • Eustis Housing Project
  • Jacksonville Grammar School
  • Miami Hotel
  • Miami-Mercy Hospital

It is important to note that even though asbestos is contained in a number of older buildings throughout the state of Florida, asbestos is not dangerous unless it is moved or disrupted in some way. Once asbestos is disturbed, its fibers come loose and become inhaled by workers and then lodged in their lungs.

Speak With an Experienced and Compassionate Mesothelioma Lawyer

Our attorneys understand the common concerns that mesothelioma victims have, which is why if you are unable to travel, we can come to wherever you or your loved ones are located in Florida. We also do not charge any attorney fees up front, which means that you do not have to worry about paying us unless we are successful in obtaining the compensation that you deserve from the at-fault party..

Contact our law office today to speak with an experienced and compassionate mesothelioma attorney by calling (888) 506-1131. You can also schedule a free consultation with us online.

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