Strange Places to Find Asbestos
It is common knowledge that asbestos can be found in industrial settings and in naval ships of certain eras. Asbestos has been around for thousands of years and is miraculously fire-resistant. It also boasts great insulative and tensile properties.
The ProblemIf existing asbestos is not disturbed, problems can be minimized. Trouble occurs, however, when asbestos fibers called “fibrils” are disturbed and subsequently inhaled. If this happens, the following can result:
- Mesothelioma
- Asbestosis
- Lung cancer
- GI cancers
- Lung tissue scarring
Any of the above conditions are serious and can be fatal.
Asbestos Can Be Found Where you Least Expect itDo not think of asbestos as merely an insulator and a fire-resistant substance. In recent history, many industries used the substance in many products. Check out these odd places and instances where asbestos was found:
CrayonsIn earlier times, like the 1800s and 1900s, people were not as aware of the danger of asbestos. But even as late as 2015, asbestos particles were found in children’s wax crayons. Luckily, the fibers were contained deep in the wax and posed no immediate hazard. The tainted crayons did have to be disposed of at special asbestos abatement facilities, however.
Ironing BoardsAsbestos resists fire and heat, so it follows that the dangerous substance could be found in ironing boards. Ironing board pads that contained asbestos could fray and release fibrils. Again, undisturbed, ironing boards and ironing board covers that contained asbestos would not necessarily cause issues, but if any damage to the ironing boards were to occur, the results could be disastrous.
Cigarette FiltersInhaling asbestos fibrils causes serious trouble, but as people became aware of the cigarette/lung cancer connections, filtered cigarettes became available, and smokers wanted to mitigate their cancer risk. Amazingly, the manufacturers of Kent cigarettes included asbestos in their “micronite” cigarette filters, and those filtered cigarettes were available for over four years.
ToothpasteIpana toothpaste was popular in the post-World War II era. Asbestos fibers were included in the toothpaste because of their abrasive properties. It is not clear if these fibers actually improved the toothpaste’s cleaning properties, but even if they did, ingesting those particles probably caused health issues more serious than common tooth decay.
Popcorn CeilingsPopcorn ceilings and their derivatives were the rage of the 1980s. Homeowners and apartment renters became tired of flat ceiling surfaces, and textured walls and innovative ceilings were sought after. Unfortunately, asbestos was commonly used, especially in popcorn ceilings. Many of these ceilings exist today, and the Internet is full of videos that show people releasing dangerous asbestos fibers as they manually remove the dangerous ceiling material
What You Should Do if You Suspect an Asbestos IssueIf you have asbestos hiding in your home’s walls or on its ceilings, if you are in a work environment where you see insulation materials flapping in the breeze, or if a loved one has served on a U.S. Navy ship where asbestos was shown to be present, you may be entitled to compensation.
The best way to find out if you have a genuine asbestos issue is to call a qualified mesothelioma expert. The Throneberry Law Group is available to discuss your asbestos problems 24/7. Visit their site for a real-time chat with a live person, or call the experienced mesothelioma lawyers at (888) 506-1131 for help now. The firm has three national locations ready to help you navigate the treacherous waters of asbestos exposure today.