Modern Asbestos Exposure Risks
Asbestos was commonly used in roofing materials, cement and adhesives. Although efforts to phase out asbestos began in 2011, these faced heavy opposition. However, the material was eventually formally outlawed in 2022.
Asbestos AbatementA nationwide asbestos lawyer represents the interests of all exposure victims. Almost all these victims are people with lung diseases. However, heavy asbestos use before 1980 created some other victims as well. In most states, property owners are liable for asbestos exposure damages, even if they didn’t know construction or other workers used asbestos.
For many years, the bare metal defense shielded property owners and business owners from liability in these situations. But the Supreme Court undermined this defense in 2019. Therefore, property owners must go to plan B, which is usually asbestos testing and abatement.
Asbestos fibers are perfectly safe unless they become airborne. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, ambient (environmental) asbestos levels above 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter of air are a danger to health and safety.
If ambient air fails the test, property owners have several options. Frequently, they can basically repaint the walls and seal the asbestos inside. Usually, however, they must proceed with asbestos removal, a rather expensive process, especially if they plan to keep the home or business.200
Asbestos ExposureThe legal woes of property owners, although severe, pale in comparison to the suffering that asbestos-exposure victims must endure. An asbestos exposure lawyer obtains the compensation these families need and deserve.
Typically, asbestos-exposure victims handled asbestos-laced products and/or worked in asbestos-laced facilities. Industrial workers who handled attic insulation and other construction materials are a good example.
Asbestos was so cheap and efficient that companies deliberately ignored the health risks and continued using it, both in their products and facilities. Asbestos, since it doesn’t conduct heat, was the go-to insulating product for decades.
When these exposure victims develop lung diseases, an attorney normally files a workers’ compensation or VA disability claim, depending on the circumstances of the exposure.
Usually, a secondary exposure victim worked at an asbestos hotspot but did not handle asbestos-laced products. Secondary exposure victims include people like office workers and independent vendors.
Once again, depending on the facts, these victims often file civil claims against asbestos producers. These matters are more complex, but additional compensation is available.
Tertiary, or take-home, asbestos exposure victims include the friends and family members of primary or secondary victims. 200,000 asbestos fibers fit on a U.S. penny. Therefore, these workers often carried asbestos fibers home without knowing it.
A bankruptcy victim compensation fund claim might be an option for all exposure victims. Substantial compensation is available. These funds contain billions of dollars, and there’s no lawyer on the other side to contest the victim’s claims.
Connect With a Thorough AttorneyAsbestos exposure victims need and deserve significant compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced nationwide mesothelioma lawyer, contact the Throneberry Law Group. Virtual, home, and hospital consultations are available.