The symptoms associated with mesothelioma depend significantly on how advanced the disease is. In the early stages of mesothelioma, the condition lacks any visible symptoms and is often hard to detect. In its later stages, symptoms often begin to develop and are frequently caused by the pressure that tumors placed on nerves.
The Symptoms of Pleural MesotheliomaSome of the symptoms associated with Pleural Mesothelioma (which affects the lungs) include the following:
Some of the symptoms associated with Peritoneal Mesothelioma (which affects a person’s abdomen) include the following:
Medical providers can fortunately provide chemotherapy “cocktails” to a person with peritoneal mesothelioma to slow down the staging and spread of the cancer. This treatment frequently includes pemetrexed, cisplatin, carboplatin, and gemcitabine.
The Symptoms of Peritoneal MesotheliomaSome of the symptoms associated with Pericardial Mesothelioma (which affects a person’s heart) include:
Some of these symptoms can be an indication of other symptoms including asbestosis or lung cancer. Sometimes, these symptoms are indicators of another completely unrelated condition. If you do experience any of these symptoms and have had exposure to asbestos, it is critical to speak with an experienced medical provider immediately.
The Symptoms of Testicular MesotheliomaThe rarest type of mesothelioma, testicular mesothelioma, is reported to represent less than 1% of all mesothelioma cases. Some of the symptoms associated with this condition include the following:
The symptoms of mesothelioma as well as other asbestos exposure-related conditions take a long time to emerge and are often barely noticeable at first. Sometimes, people mistake these symptoms for conditions other than mesothelioma. Until the later stages of mesothelioma, the condition often does not make a substantial impact on a person’s life or interfere with daily living. As the tumors grow and spread throughout a person’s body, however, the symptoms worsen. Many people find that the later stages of mesothelioma are particularly painful, which is why it is often a wise idea for patients to be in contact with an experienced mesothelioma doctor as early on in the process as possible.
Coping With the Symptoms of MesotheliomaIn some situations, the side effects from chemotherapy taken to combat or delay mesothelioma can be confused with the symptoms of mesothelioma. While the symptoms of cancer treatment often fade once chemotherapy has ended, the symptoms of mesothelioma often increase in intensity. The assistance of a palliative care provider during this time can be helpful. A palliative care doctor focuses on managing symptoms as well as improving the quality of a person’s life. There are fortunately several options available to treat the pain and discomfort associated with the condition.
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You are the reason my mother was able to cope with losing a loved one. You and your staff are always helpful and go above and beyond to help. You have been great to my family and especially my mother. My mother would always come out of your office with a peace of mind.
We are so appreciative of the results Michael Throneberry got for us! Michael Throneberry and the attorneys we worked with were focused on our peace of mind and seemed to care for my family and me as if we were family. They truly get it. We were thrilled with the result and would recommend this firm to anyone.
During one of my family's darkest and trying times, Michael Throneberry was there to provide help. His personal experience with mesothelioma made certain that he advised us like family. Thank you, you are wonderful. Do yourself a favor and let him help you during this trying time. He is a true 10 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Michael Throneberry gave me a whole new outlook on attorneys'! A very caring person who was more concerned with my health than a case. Truly unexpected! He explained possible conditions in english and even found the right doctors in my area. Prepared me for the right questions to ask the doctors so that I can understand my illness better. A great person and a great human being! Thank you.