Asbestos was once widely used in the construction industry because of its fire-resistant and insulation properties. After the dangers of this material became widely known, its use was limited. The use of asbestos has been regulated in the United States of America since the early 1970s. However, because many buildings built before the 1980s were constructed using asbestos-contaminated materials, it is common for asbestos to still be present in buildings, including school buildings. The issue is that if asbestos remains undetected in a school building, it may be accidentally disturbed. Asbestos is harmless if left undisturbed. However, if disturbed, it can result in tiny microscopic fibers being released into the air, which, when inhaled or ingested, can cause serious health issues. If no one knows of the existence of asbestos in a school, teachers, other staff, students, parents, and other community members may continually breathe in those fibers without realizing it. If asbestos is discovered in a school, it can save many people’s lives. But what should you do if you find asbestos in a school? Read on to find out.
What to Do if You Discover Asbestos in a School
Prompt and careful action is necessary after asbestos is discovered in a school. If there is asbestos in a school, the following are the steps to take to ensure your safety and the safety of others;
Inform the Authorities
If you believe you have discovered asbestos in a school, the first crucial step is to notify the appropriate authorities. This could be the school administrator or a health and safety agency. You should not wait to report the issue. Reporting the issue immediately can ensure necessary precautions are taken to reduce the risk of exposure.
The next crucial step after discovering asbestos in a school is to confirm whether the suspicions are right. In order to confirm the presence of asbestos in a school, it is vital to contact professional asbestos inspectors. Untrained individuals should not try to conduct inspections by themselves. If you try to identify asbestos yourself, you might release dangerous fibers into the air.
Management and Abatement
After the presence of asbestos has been confirmed, it is crucial to evaluate the extent of the problem and the potential exposure risks. Once the assessment is done, a plan for managing or removing the asbestos must be developed. Managing or removing asbestos in a school requires a carefully planned approach to ensure the safety of staff, students, parents, and the community at large.
Asbestos-contaminated materials that are in good condition and undisturbed can be managed in place through encapsulation. This procedure entails treating asbestos with a sealant that creates a protective layer between the material and the environment. For materials that pose a high risk of fiber release or are damaged or worn out, it may be necessary to schedule abatement or removal.
It is crucial to note that encapsulation and asbestos abatement or removal are processes that should be left to professionals. Untrained individuals should not try to apply sealants or remove asbestos by themselves.
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If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced nationwide mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help you and your family live a more comfortable life.