A parent purchasing a fun item for their child expects it to be safe. That’s why many were shocked to hear that about a retail chain store recently recalled several products after concerns about asbestos were brought to light.
Claire’s Stores Inc. recalled at least nine make-up items last month from their shelves following claims that some of their children and teen products contained traces of asbestos. A concerned Rhode Island mother voiced the concern that was confirmed by a lab test. She also happens to be an employee of a law firm that deals with asbestos-related cases.
The mother says that she decided to take some of the makeup she had bought for her daughter to a lab for testing, and to her surprise, the glittery makeup had traces of asbestos. Asbestos is a dangerous substance that known to cause cancer. If inhaled or swallowed, the detected asbestos can lead to both lung damage and cancer. This type of asbestos is also known to cause mesothelioma, a deadly form of cancer.