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A parent purchasing a fun item for their child expects it to be safe. That’s why many were shocked to hear that about a retail chain store recently recalled several products after concerns about asbestos were brought to light.

Claire’s Stores Inc. recalled at least nine make-up items last month from their shelves following claims that some of their children and teen products contained traces of asbestos. A concerned Rhode Island mother voiced the concern that was confirmed by a lab test. She also happens to be an employee of a law firm that deals with asbestos-related cases.

The mother says that she decided to take some of the makeup she had bought for her daughter to a lab for testing, and to her surprise, the glittery makeup had traces of asbestos. Asbestos is a dangerous substance that known to cause cancer. If inhaled or swallowed, the detected asbestos can lead to both lung damage and cancer. This type of asbestos is also known to cause mesothelioma, a deadly form of cancer.

A Missouri Appeals Court recently transferred what could be a precedent setting mesothelioma cancer claim to the state Supreme Court after the court determined that the two sides presented constitutional challenges to Missouri’s 2014 law governing mesothelioma workers’ compensation claims. Filing on behalf of her deceased husband, the plaintiff seeks over $500,000 in benefits under Missouri’s new law for herself and children as dependents while the defendants argue that because the victim’s asbestos exposure took place before the new statute took effect it should not be liable to pay benefits.

According to documents filed with the Missouri Court of Appeals, for 30 years the victim worked as a vinyl tile installer and was repeatedly exposed to asbestos using a material called “cut back,” which is a vinyl adhesive. Many years after retiring, the victim suffered a serious coughing fit in November 2017 and was hospitalized with what doctors ultimately diagnosed as complication from mesothelioma cancer.

In February 2015, the victim filed a workers compensation claim against his employer but succumbed to the diseased while the outcome was still pending. The victim’s spouse then filed an amended complaint listing herself as a dependant and eight children as survivors to receive his benefits. The plaintiff filed her claim under Section 287.200.4 of the Missouri Code which is “for all claims filed on or after January 1, 2014, for occupational diseases due to toxic exposure which result in a permanent total disability or death.”

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for iStock-460053679.jpgMaryland’s Court of Appeals is slated to hear an important mesothelioma lawsuit brought by the family of a former pipe fitter that could have a tremendous impact on other claims challenging the statute of limitations under state law to bring mesothelioma claims. Currently, Maryland state laws allows victims or those representing their estates to bring mesothelioma lawsuits 20 years after exposure to asbestos, but the plaintiffs’ challenge could greatly extend that time period.

The plaintiffs in this case brought the lawsuit on behalf of their loved one, who worked as a steamfitter at the Morgantown Generating Station in Charles County, Maryland. A nearby Westinghouse turbine was insulated with asbestos in 1970, which the plaintiffs claim caused the victim’s passing in 2013 due to mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly form of cancer, commonly affecting the thin lining of tissue surrounding the lungs and abdomen. The disease is caused by asbestos exposure and while there are numerous promising scientific breakthroughs being made every year to treat the cancer, there is still no definitive cure to rid patients of mesothelioma.

Every day, firefighters face danger. Unfortunately, not all of that danger stems from the fires they fight. Some of that peril is in the carcinogens enmeshed in their gear from fighting those fires. In fact, their dirty turnout gear and the time they spend battling fires, absorbing carcinogens, is increasing the risk for cancer and increasing cancer-related deaths in firefighters.

Preventing Asbestos Exposure

But what can fire departments do to help prevent asbestos exposure? They’re already wearing protective gear, but that gear, may have been exposed to clouds of asbestos fibers. When they remove their gear, those fibers can spread. If it’s not handled properly, it can then pose a risk to those around it. Anyone who breathes in the fibers or touches the gear can be at risk.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive and rare form of cancer that attacks tissues lining the lungs, heart or abdomen. Most people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos at some point in their lives. Why is it so difficult to diagnose? Here are three major reasons that can help individuals and families understand why.

  • Rarity

Even though thousands of people are diagnosed each year, mesothelioma is still a rare form of cancer. Due to its rarity, many doctors are not familiar with the symptoms, which can lead to a misdiagnosis.

A judge in a Pennsylvania state court recently issued a ruling siding with the plaintiff in a mesothelioma cancer lawsuit, denying the defendant’s motion to transfer the case to another court over a legal technicality. By keeping the case in the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas for Allegheny County, the case will continue to move forward despite the best efforts of the defendant’s attorneys to deny, delay, and defend the claim that would help compensate victims and hold the liable parties responsible for causing the victim’s cancer diagnosis.

In her lawsuit, the plaintiff claims that her mesothelioma cancer diagnosis was caused by the defendant, Colgate Palmolive, manufacturing talcum powder contaminated with asbestos fibers from the mine where the mineral came from. The case is one of several talcum powder asbestos cancer lawsuits filed by victims across the country, arguing that their diagnosis was caused by carcinogenic cosmetic products manufactured by Colgate Palmolive.

For their part, the defendant’s attorneys asserted that employment records at Naval Support Activity, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania showed good enough cause to have the case removed from Allegany County and transferred to Mechanicsburg County Court. As is common in many asbestos cancer lawsuits, the defendants appear to have attempted to blame the plaintiff’s condition on another party, despite any evidence showing so. Fortunately, the judge hearing the case rejected the defendant’s motions and kept the litigation process moving in court.

superstock_1098r6319_medium_6z03_100.jpgA recent study published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology highlighted a promising treatment that could possibly extend the life expectancy for patients suffering from malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. According to the report, a large portion of patients in a studying undergoing two-stage cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy regimen had a significantly longer lifespan thanks to the treatment.

The treatment worked by first putting the patient through cytoreductive surgery, a procedure that removes tumors from inside the abdominal wall of mesothelioma patients. After undergoing surgery, doctors treated the patients with intraperitoneal chemotherapy to help kill any mesothelioma tumors possible left over from the surgery.

Doctors then monitored patients with CT scans of the abdomen, chest, and pelvis every six months for signs of tumor growth. Patients with tumors received a second round of cytoreduction and intraperitoneal chemotherapy while those without tumors only received the chemotherapy portion of the treatment.

Firefighters do an inherently dangerous job protecting life and property from fire and other disasters. But they also face tremendous unseen dangers such as asbestos exposure while working in older buildings. More and more firefighters have grown concerned about repeat exposure and these are a few of the important frequently asked questions and answers.

How Does Asbestos Threaten Firefighters?

Asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma cancer. Firefighters are exposed to it when extinguishing fires. Burning asbestos may release fibers into the air that can be breathed into the lungs and make contact with the skin. It’s important to wear protective breathing gear while combating a blaze at all phases.

Colgate-Palmolive Co. will avoid going to trial in a New Jersey state courtroom as they agree to settle a lawsuit linking asbestos to its talcum-powder.

Carol Schoeniger, a Pennsylvania woman filed a lawsuit against the New York-based company claiming its talcum-powder caused her to develop mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. The financial terms of the settlement have not been made public.

This is not the first claim that talc users have made against the brand. Colgate-Palmolive has resolved 43 cases and is currently facing 170 cases in which accusers allege they were sold asbestos-laced powder.

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for iStock-92402940.jpgA drywall manufacturing division of Georgia-Pacific recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy over thousands of asbestos cancer claims against the company, owned by Koch Industries since 2005. Georgia-Pacific’s Bestwall Unit is currently the subject of tens of thousands of lawsuits alleging the company knowingly manufactured drywall products with asbestos but did nothing to inform users of the possible dangers of developing serious health conditions, including mesothelioma, a rare and deadly form of lung cancer.

Georgia-Pacific manufactured “mud,” a joint compound used in construction to seal pieces of drywall together or fill in cracks, which contained chrysotile asbestos until 1977, one of the most common forms of the flaky white mineral. While the company claims its total production amounted to only a small fraction of products made with asbestos, it was nonetheless one of the most common types of drywall mud used in past decades, resulting in thousands of cases of exposure.

Asbestos was once commonly used in a variety of industrial and commercial applications for decades by many manufacturers. Although federal regulators did not restrict the use of asbestos until the mid 1970’s, the manufacturers were well aware of the potential hazards of inhaling asbestos fibers. Unfortunately, manufacturers continued to use asbestos in their products and did nothing to warn consumers about the risks.

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