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A mesothelioma wrongful death claim is a claim that is filed after a victim passes away. It is a type of claim that allows surviving family members to recover compensation from negligent parties, such as manufacturers of asbestos-contaminated products. Mesothelioma wrongful death claims are typically filed against individuals and companies who knew that certain products were dangerous but failed to give a warning. The following is more on mesothelioma wrongful death claims.

Who is Allowed to File a Mesothelioma Wrongful Death Claim?

In a mesothelioma personal injury claim, the plaintiff, that is, the person bringing the claim and seeking compensation, is usually the patient who has suffered harm because of the negligence of another party. When it comes to wrongful death claims, the patient is not the one bringing the claim and seeking compensation as they are not alive.

Mesothelioma does not occur immediately after asbestos exposure. It can take up to 60 years for mesothelioma to develop. Unfortunately, while the development of mesothelioma begins slowly, once tumors form, they tend to spread rather quickly. When mesothelioma tumors metastasize (spread), they move from their original location to other body parts. Because of how quickly mesothelioma can spread through the body, it is considered an aggressive form of cancer. Unfortunately, once mesothelioma tumors have metastasized, treatment options become more limited.

So, how quickly does mesothelioma spread? Exactly how quickly mesothelioma progresses in the body is dependent on several factors. Mesothelioma metastasis is influenced by, among other factors, cell type, cancer stage, and response to treatment.

Cell Type

While there is still no cure for this rare but fatal disease, several treatment options are available, and researchers are continuing to discover new and effective treatment options. With the right treatment option, a mesothelioma patient can live a long productive life.

As a mesothelioma patient, you must play an active role in your health by talking directly to your doctor about treatment options. When you speak directly with your doctor, you can ensure you get the treatment you need and deserve. In this article, we provide some tips for talking with your doctor about mesothelioma treatment options.

Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma is a rare but deadly form of cancer. This type of cancer occurs because of asbestos exposure.  When a person is diagnosed with this type of cancer, they require support from caregivers. And while it is possible to hire a professional caregiver, often, caregiving responsibilities fall on family members. If, for example, one spouse develops mesothelioma, the other spouse will likely take on the caregiver role.

The daily tasks of caring for a mesothelioma patient can be overwhelming. As a caregiver, you will find yourself responsible for many daily tasks, such as remembering medications and treatments, scheduling appointments, managing day-to-day chores, and managing your loved one’s financial affairs. Because of the many tasks caregivers have to perform, you might find yourself feeling frustrated and burned out.

If you are a mesothelioma caregiver and feel frustrated or burned out, below are some tips that can help you deal with your stress and better take care of your loved one.

Mesothelioma is a rare illness involving tumors that develop in the mesothelium, which is a thin layer of tissue covering the internal organs. There are different forms of mesothelioma. Understanding which form of mesothelioma a patient has is quite crucial. When a doctor understands which form of mesothelioma a patient has, they can decide which treatment is needed.

There are three main forms of mesothelioma. They are;

  • Pleural mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is categorized into different types depending on what part of the mesothelium is affected. The most common type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. This form of mesothelioma affects the pleura (the tissue surrounding the lungs). Like any other form of cancer, a comprehensive malignant pleural mesothelioma diagnosis includes determining the disease’s stage. Generally, doctors use staging to see how far cancer cells have metastasized (spread) through the body. When a doctor knows how far cancer cells have spread, they can develop the most effective treatment plan for the patient.

Stages of Pleural Mesothelioma

Usually, a doctor will determine the mesothelioma stage when diagnosing a patient. Mesothelioma stages describe the location, size, and spread of cancer cells. Once a doctor determines the mesothelioma stage, they can develop a treatment plan to improve prognosis and life expectancy.

Medical professionals highly recommend that mesothelioma patients incorporate exercise into their daily routine. Exercise has many health benefits. If you are battling mesothelioma, exercising can help you in several ways. Indeed, exercising when battling mesothelioma can be challenging. That is why it is important to consult your doctor to determine the type of exercise regimen that can work for you. That is why it is crucial to listen to your body and rest when necessary.

Below, we discuss more on mesothelioma and exercise.

Why is Exercise Important for Cancer Patients?

Asbestos exposure can cause deadly diseases such as mesothelioma. Unfortunately, if you work with asbestos or asbestos-contaminated materials, you are at an increased risk of asbestos exposure. In fact, occupational asbestos exposure is among the most common types of exposure.

If you work with asbestos or asbestos-contaminated materials, OSHA requires your employer to take certain steps to reduce the hazards of asbestos at work. Indeed, the exact steps your employer must take depend on the industry. However, there are some basic requirements that all employers are required to meet.

What are the Hazards of Asbestos?

After two weeks of in-person trial, a Los Angeles County jury awarded a 64-year-old woman diagnosed with mesothelioma $43 million on May 20, 2022. This verdict is among the largest seen in recent years. The woman, who was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2019, blamed Algoma Hardwoods Inc. for her condition.

According to the evidence presented, the 64-year-old California woman never directly worked with the toxic substance known as asbestos. However, her husband used to work in a capacity that exposed him to asbestos. He worked with doors that contained asbestos. The asbestos dust from the doors got stuck in his skin, hair, and clothes, and he brought this dust home. Even though the woman sometimes assisted her husband on-site, most of the asbestos exposure she suffered was from the asbestos dust her husband brought home. According to a family representative, the 64-year-old woman suffered asbestos exposure while doing her husband’s laundry. Also, just being inside the home exposed her to asbestos.

From 1977 to 1980, Algoma made fire-resistant asbestos-contaminated doors. The jury found the company 50% liable for the 64-year-old woman’s mesothelioma. The jury then assessed comparative fault against other defendants. The following is a breakdown of the percentage of responsibility each defendant was awarded;

Asbestos is a mineral that causes mesothelioma, a rare and deadly type of cancer. In fact, asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma. In an attempt to reduce mesothelioma cases, many countries worldwide have banned asbestos. However, asbestos has not been banned in the United States of America.

Do asbestos bans really help? Does banning asbestos reduce the incidence of mesothelioma? A recent study shows that asbestos bans can reduce mesothelioma cases, although not immediately. The findings of this study might affect asbestos rules in America.

Data From Study Indicates Asbestos Bans Can Reduce Mesothelioma Cases

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