Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer usually caused by asbestos exposure. Unfortunately, mesothelioma is an aggressive and deadly disease; currently, there is no cure for it. Recently, a bipartisan bill was sponsored to create a nationwide mesothelioma registry aimed at tracking mesothelioma cases in the U.S. to improve treatment and care. This bill would establish a national patient registry for mesothelioma at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). A mesothelioma registry would give patients and researchers access to crucial data with the goal of improving treatment and care. If the bill passes, the U.S. will join other countries, like Australia, that already have mesothelioma registries.
The Existing Cancer Database Has Shortcomings
Currently, there is a cancer registry in the U.S. However, this registry has several shortcomings. First, it takes too long for data to join the United States Cancer Statistics database. Before data enters the database, it has to go through a process that can take months or even years. Unfortunately, some mesothelioma patients do not have months or years to make critical treatment decisions. So, this means that a patient or doctor could end up making decisions using outdated information or not finding the database helpful.