A mesothelioma diagnosis can affect the patient in many ways. These effects can either be short-term or long-term. One of the major ways a mesothelioma diagnosis can affect a patient is by lowering their self-esteem. Self-esteem is how a person values and perceives themselves. It is based on what someone believes about themselves. The physical changes that come after a mesothelioma diagnosis or after a patient starts receiving mesothelioma treatment, such as hair loss, weight changes, and surgery scars, can affect how they feel about their appearance and body image. Also, unproductivity and dependency can lead to a mesothelioma patient having low self-esteem. Luckily, there are steps mesothelioma patients can take to maintain their self-esteem at a healthy level.
How Mesothelioma Causes a Decrease in Self-esteem
Coping with mesothelioma presents great challenges, some of which can negatively affect a patient’s self-esteem. A patient dealing with things such as weight loss/gain, hair loss, and scarring may end up with low self-esteem. When patients look at themselves in the mirror, they want to be happy with what they see. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. Some patients do not like how they look without hair, with more/less weight, or with scars.