Articles Posted in Asbestos Containing Materials

There are two types of asbestos exposure — primary and secondary exposure. Primary asbestos exposure, also called occupational exposure, occurs when someone who works with asbestos or asbestos-containing materials suffers exposure at work. Occupations at great risk of asbestos exposure include construction, firefighting, power plant, shipyard, mining, factory, and boiler work. Secondary exposure, which is also called second-hand exposure, is when someone who does not directly work with asbestos or asbestos-contaminated materials suffers asbestos exposure. Most people know about primary asbestos exposure, but some people do not know about secondary exposure. Some people do not know that secondary asbestos exposure can lead to asbestos-related illnesses, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. Below, we share some crucial things you need to know about secondary asbestos exposure.

Asbestos Fibers are Not Confined to a Work Space

Asbestos fibers are not confined to a work environment. These tiny fibers can find their way out of a work environment. Asbestos fibers can get stuck on, for example, a construction worker’s clothes, hair, or skin. The worker can then unknowingly carry the asbestos fibers home. This may then lead to the people living with the construction workers suffering asbestos exposure. For example, the worker’s spouse may suffer asbestos exposure when cleaning asbestos-contaminated clothes. This is how secondary asbestos exposure occurs.

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, you might be eligible to file a legal claim against the party or parties responsible for the asbestos exposure and recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. If the company responsible for the asbestos exposure declared bankruptcy, you may be eligible to file an asbestos trust fund claim. When it comes to asbestos and mesothelioma, there are several crucial things you need to know. This article discusses five of the most vital things you need to know about asbestos and mesothelioma.

Asbestos Has Been Used in Many Industries and Products

Because of its fiber strength and heat resistance, asbestos has been used in several industries. For example, it has been used in the construction and shipbuilding industry. Asbestos has been used in automotive and insulation manufacturing. This naturally-occurring mineral can also be found in, among others, the following materials and products:

Asbestos is a substance that can cause several life-threatening diseases, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. This dangerous mineral is no longer used as frequently as it was many years ago because of strict regulations. Unfortunately, even though asbestos is no longer being used as it was before the 1980s, there is a significant risk of people being exposed to legacy asbestos.

What is Legacy Asbestos?

Legacy asbestos was put in place before governments started regulating the use of asbestos, but it still presents a hazard. The passing of time and forgetting of asbestos that was put in place many years ago is what causes asbestos to become legacy asbestos. Unfortunately, most people do not know that legacy asbestos exists, and that is what makes legacy asbestos so dangerous.

For purposes of this article, the defendant, in this case, will be referred to as A.O.H.

Veterans are at a high risk of developing asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma. This is especially true for people who served in the military between 1935 and 1975. According to research, it was at this period that asbestos use in the military was at its highest. The military favored using asbestos-contaminated products because this material is fire-resistant and highly durable. In particular, navy vessels, such as submarines, had many asbestos products. As a result, thousands of veterans who worked on navy vessels have developed asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma. Mr. A.O.H is just one example of the many U.S. veterans who have developed mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos while serving in the U.S. Navy aboard nuclear submarines.

Mr. A.O.H. was diagnosed with mesothelioma three years ago. After his diagnosis, he and his spouse filed a lawsuit against Armstrong Pumps. Mr. H blames Armstrong Pumps for his asbestos exposure while he was part of the U.S. Navy aboard nuclear submarines. Specifically, A.O.H. blames his mesothelioma on the Armstrong pumps he worked with. The pumps were located close to where Mr. H used to work, and his work included supervising the maintenance of the pumps.

The disposal of asbestos must be tackled in a specific manner. Improper disposal of asbestos can put people at risk of suffering asbestos exposure, thus developing asbestos-related diseases, such as mesothelioma.  Even if the fibers are outdoors, they can be kicked up high enough for someone to inhale them. Because of how dangerous improper asbestos disposal can be, it is crucial for anyone removing asbestos to involve a professional.  Asbestos abatement professionals are highly trained to follow the correct procedures. On top of putting the lives of others at risk, anyone who disposes of asbestos improperly faces serious fines or penalties if they break one of the laws regulating asbestos removal and disposal. Asbestos abatement professionals are highly trained to follow the laid down rules.

Homeowners and Asbestos Abatement and Disposal

Sometimes landowners decide to remove and dispose of asbestos on their own. However, this is risky. If a property owner believes they have asbestos on their property, certain steps must be taken to ensure the dangerous mineral is removed and disposed of in a safe manner. If a landowner decides to handle the removal and disposal of asbestos on their own, they put a lot of people in danger. They also risk facing fines and penalties if they break one of the laws regulating asbestos removal and disposal.

Asbestos was once widely used in the United States of America. This material is not yet banned in the U.S., but its use has drastically reduced over the years. When asbestos is contained, it is generally not harmful. On the other hand, if asbestos is damaged or disturbed, it can pose serious health risks. If asbestos is disturbed, asbestos fibers can become airborne. When asbestos fibers become airborne, people can inhale them and develop serious health conditions.

Who is Most Likely to Get Exposed to Asbestos?

Long ago, asbestos was widely used in several industries across the United States. The people who worked in industries that frequently used asbestos were at the greatest risk of being directly exposed to asbestos. If, for example, a person worked as a shipyard worker, construction worker, demolition worker, carpenter, or painter, they might have been at a greater risk of being directly exposed to asbestos. Even today, people working in certain industries are at great risk of being directly exposed to asbestos.

The Supreme Court of the State of New York recently denied a petition from Ford Motor Company asking the Court to shut down mesothelioma lawsuit against them.  When the defendant in this case, who for purposes of this article will be referred to as J.S., discovered he had mesothelioma, he and his spouse filed a lawsuit against Ford Motor Company. According to the lawsuit, the company is responsible for J.S.’s exposure to asbestos-containing parts during his years at a dealership in Orchard Park. What is interesting about this case is that Ford did not deny that the parts J.S. was dealing with were asbestos-contaminated. The company also didn’t deny the fact that asbestos is a toxin.

After J.S. discovered he had mesothelioma at age 65, he filed a lawsuit against Ford Motor Company, the company responsible for his asbestos exposure, thus, his illness. According to J.S.’s lawsuit, he worked as a delivery man for the dealership in Orchard Park. During his time in this position, J.S. was exposed to asbestos-containing dust when he unlocked boxes and dealt with brakes and clutches from Ford. In his claim, J.S. also stated that he had maintenance, cleaning, and sweeping duties during his time at the dealership. On top of that, J.S. stated in his lawsuit that he suffered asbestos exposure through his interaction with mechanics performing clutch and brake jobs.

The defendant did not deny that J.S.’s work involved dealing with asbestos-contaminated products. The company did not deny that asbestos is dangerous and can cause illnesses. Ford’s argument was focused on whether J.S.’s closeness to their parts was enough to result in him developing his illness. The company’s argument centered on whether chrysotile asbestos caused risk compared to amphibole asbestos. Also, Ford Motors argued that therapeutic radiation could have caused J.S.’s illness.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, asbestos is a mineral fiber that occurs in soil and rocks. Asbestos was widely used before the 1980s in, among other things, building materials. It was in the 1980s that the dangerous effects of this mineral became widely known. However, although asbestos is not commonly used today, it is still used in some products. Also, asbestos can be found in old buildings. This means that asbestos exposure remains a problem. Asbestos can cause various deadly diseases, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer.

The following are four steps that should be taken after someone gets exposed to asbestos or if someone has a history of asbestos exposure.

Consult a Doctor Early

Asbestos is a group of minerals that occur naturally in soil and rock. It is made up of heat-resistant fibers. Apart from being resistant to heat, asbestos is also resistant to rot and rust. Because of its properties, asbestos is considered a very versatile product. However, as much as asbestos might sound harmless, the truth is that asbestos exposure can lead to the development of aggressive and deadly diseases like mesothelioma. Being exposed to asbestos once is enough to lead to the development of an illness.

Unfortunately, there is still no widespread ban on asbestos in the United States of America. In the U.S., asbestos continues to be used in different products. And even if a ban is put in place, many industries used asbestos in the past for various purposes. It is still possible for asbestos-contaminated products to exist even with an asbestos ban in place.

Asbestos can be found in many places. This dangerous mineral can also be found in places one would not expect. Below is a look at some common and uncommon places where you could find asbestos.

Asbestos exposure can cause deadly diseases such as mesothelioma. Unfortunately, if you work with asbestos or asbestos-contaminated materials, you are at an increased risk of asbestos exposure. In fact, occupational asbestos exposure is among the most common types of exposure.

If you work with asbestos or asbestos-contaminated materials, OSHA requires your employer to take certain steps to reduce the hazards of asbestos at work. Indeed, the exact steps your employer must take depend on the industry. However, there are some basic requirements that all employers are required to meet.

What are the Hazards of Asbestos?

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