If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, your doctor will describe the state of your condition using one of four stages. Each stage represents the extent to which the tumor has metastasised, which is the spread from its original growth point. Identifying the cancer’s stage is an important aspect of the…
Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Blog
Former Tennessee Legislator Files Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit Over Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Ray Albright, a former Tennessee state legislator, recently revealed his mesothelioma diagnosis almost four decades after exposure to asbestos while working as a boilermaker in a Chattanooga factory to support his family. Sadly, doctors informed him that he only has a few months to live. He and his wife had…
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
As we observe Lung Cancer Awareness Month, it is important to understand the various causes of lung cancers and work hard to promote awareness about how and why these types of diseases occur, how to avoid them, and what our treatment options are. Fortunately, support communities across the country are…
Is Asbestos The Only Cause Of Mesothelioma?
If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, you undoubtedly have serious questions about the disease, its causes, and possible medical treatments to help live a longer, happier life. Often times, one of the most pressing questions for mesothelioma victims is, “How did I get mesothelioma?” or “Where…
Class Action Asbestos Case Ends With $80 Million Settlement
The two sides in a class action asbestos exposure lawsuit recently agreed to an $80 million settlement just days before the trial was scheduled to commence. The settlement sets a record for the largest medical monitoring fund ever created in the state of Missouri and could provide services to up…
Jury Awards Talc User $18 Million For Mesothelioma Victim
A Los Angeles jury recently made headlines after awarding $18 million to a plaintiff claiming asbestos-laced talcum powder was to blame for his mesothelioma. The 68-year-old former Los Angeles political figure claims he developed mesothelioma from coming in contact with talcum powder at his father’s barbershop where he would visit…
Asbestos Exposure May Lead To Arthritis And Other Autoimmune Diseases
While the disease is rare, many are familiar with mesothelioma and its causal relationship to exposure to asbestos, a once common additive to many industrial and commercial products during the mid-20th century. However, many do not realize that mesothelioma is not the only debilitating condition associated with exposure to toxic…
Do Not Let The Statute Of Limitations Run Out On Your Asbestos Lawsuit
Asbestos-related conditions like mesothelioma do not usually manifest themselves right away. Most of the time, it can take years before the signs and symptoms of serious illnesses alert asbestos exposure victims to the harm they have suffered. With such a long passage of time between asbestos exposure and developing mesothelioma,…
Arizona Court Finds Company not Responsible for Mesothelioma Caused by Secondhand Asbestos Exposure
An Arizona Appeals Court ruled that parties are not liable for the harm their asbestos products cause to others in secondhand or “take-home” asbestos exposure. The case centered around a decedent whose surviving heirs claim the victim passed away due to secondhand exposure of asbestos brought home by the victim’s…
Plaintiffs File Lawsuit Against Asbestos Trust To Recover Compensation
A group of plaintiffs recently filed a federal lawsuit against an asbestos litigation trust set up by their former employer to recover millions in unpaid claims they allege the administrators are squandering. In addition to this suit, the asbestos litigation trust set up to disperse compensation to victims also faces…