September 26 recently marked National Mesothelioma Awareness Day. The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation created the occasion to bring nationwide awareness of the issues facing mesothelioma patients and their families. Additionally, the event is a terrific way for mesothelioma cancer charities across the country to fundraise for important research that one…
Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Blog
What Is An Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Fund?
Asbestos has been used in industrial and commercial applications since the middle of the 19th Century up until around the 1970s. While it took many years, asbestos products manufacturers finally came to terms with the dangers their products posed to the public and ceased production, but not until many innocent…
Mesothelioma And 9/11
The events of September 11, 2001 shook our country to its very core and tested the resiliency of the nation as a whole. In addition to the 3,000 lives lost in the terrorist attacks which downed airplanes in Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and New York, many more passed away from the…
What Products Contain Asbestos?
If you or a loved one developed mesothelioma, you will undoubtedly have numerous questions about the disease including how it was caused. Most folks understand it to be almost common knowledge that mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos but what many may not realize is just how prevalent asbestos…
Who is Responsible for My Mesothelioma?
Receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis or another asbestos-related medical condition can be devastating news for patients and their families. While mesothelioma is a rare type of lung cancer, it is well-known for being incurable and connected to exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma victims often look back on their careers and lifestyles to…
How Long Can It Take To Notice The Symptoms Of Mesothelioma?
Individuals who were exposed to asbestos either at work or by second-hand exposure often have many questions about whether they may be at risk for developing mesothelioma, a deadly and incurable lung disease linked to asbestos. While the dangers of asbestos have been known for many decades, the signs and…
Tennessee County Settles Mesothelioma Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit
A Tennessee county recently settled a mesothelioma-asbestos exposure lawsuit with the widow of a former school teacher who allegedly contracted the deadly lung disease while working for the county decades ago. The lawsuit had been slated to go to a trial by jury just a few days before the settlement…
Can I Be Exposed To Asbestos Outside Of Work?
Due to its causal link to mesothelioma, a rare and deadly cancer, industrial use and removal of asbestos is now highly regulated by state and federal organizations to prevent workers from being exposed to the substance. However, there are still many ways for ordinary people to be exposed to asbestos…
Mesothelioma And Superfund Sites
Since the 1970s, the federal government has recognized the dangers asbestos poses to the health and safety of those who come in contact with it. To that end, the government empowered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to investigate asbestos contaminated sites across the country and force responsible parties to take…
Why is it Important to Hire an Asbestos Attorney?
By now most of us are familiar with the lawsuits and settlements associated with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. As victims of asbestos exposure finally get the justice and compensation they deserve, even more are left out to fight on their own as the defendants in these cases continue to…