Federal investigators recently opened an inquiry into whether several asbestos clean up companies operating in Massachusetts paid crews fairly for all of the work performed renovating asbestos tainted properties in the Boston area. Over the past few years, the U.S. Justice Department has opened up several investigations into worker mistreatment…
Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Blog
Pennsylvania High Court Gives Public Employees Right to Hold Employers Accountable for Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Public workers in Pennsylvania recently scored a major victory after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that state employees can hold their employers accountable for failing to take reasonable steps to prevent asbestos exposure. Typically, state agencies are immune from civil suits under the doctrine of “sovereign immunity” which generally bars…
Mesothelioma Cancer Victims Settle Lawsuit for $25 Million
Over 1,000 mesothelioma cancer victims recently settled claims against the state of Montana over allegations the plaintiffs developed the deadly asbestos-related cancer in a privately-owned asbestos mine. The settlement is the second such largest in the state’s recent history, after a $43 million resolution another group of 1,000 plaintiffs from…
Researches Identify Genes Linked to Regulating Cancer
Scientists from the United Kingdom recently published a study outlining a potentially significant breakthrough in the fight against aggressive colon, lung, and breast cancers by identifying the genetic markers regulating cancer growth. In their report, the researchers demonstrated tumor growth may be decreased as much as 75% when scientists targeting…
Do Companies Still Use Asbestos?
Asbestos is a white, flaky mineral used for its heat resistant properties in various industries including construction, pipe fitting, shipbuilding, and as an insulation. While its physical properties and low cost make it ideal for use in many industrial applications, the mineral is extremely toxic and has a causal link…
Is Mesothelioma Preventable?
After a mesothelioma diagnosis, mesothelioma patients and their family members often have many questions about the contractions and treatment of the cancer. One of the most common questions is whether or not mesothelioma is a preventable disease or if there was something in the family history that caused it to…
Safety Officer Sues School After Termination for Exposing Asbestos Risk
The former Environmental Health and Safety Officer for Paterson, New Jersey schools recently hit her employer with a lawsuitclaiming the defendant fired her as a retaliatory act for exposing the district’s illegal removal of asbestos from a school classroom. Since 2008, the plaintiff’s role with the school district had been…
Can I File A Mesothelioma Cancer Lawsuit On Behalf Of My Deceased Family Member?
Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer, usually affecting the lungs and abdomen, caused by exposure to asbestos, a flaky white insulation material once common in industrial applications as well as consumer products. One of the worst aspects of the condition is the long passage of time between exposure and…
Nivolumab Shows Promise At Treating Pleural Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is an aggressive, deadly cancer caused by inhaling asbestos fibers that leaves victims with few treatment options the further the disease progresses from the lungs and abdomen. While doctors can use aggressive treatments like surgery if the disease is caught in its early stages, mesothelioma will eventually metastasize into…
How Much Is My Mesothelioma Cancer Lawsuit Worth?
A mesothelioma cancer diagnosis can be devastating news and seemingly come out of nowhere to turn our world upside down. Because mesothelioma takes decades to manifest itself, victims often receive their diagnosis during retirement, but many become affected during their prime income earning years, as well. Whatever the case, mesothelioma…