
Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Blog


New Jersey Jury Hits Johnson & Johnson with $37 Million Verdict in Asbestos Talcum Powder Lawsuit

A New Jersey state jury recently handed down a substantial verdict in favor of the plaintiff in a groundbreaking talcum powder asbestos cancer lawsuit filed against pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson. After weeks of testimony, the jury awarded the plaintiff $37 million in damages to the plaintiff who claimed he…


Connecticut Chemical Company Settles Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit

More than five years after filing an asbestos cancer lawsuit on behalf of her deceased husband, a New York woman has finally received justice on his behalf after the defendants in the case agreed to settle the matter. The resolution to the mesothelioma cancer lawsuit came after three days of…


Group finds asbestos in more Claire’s make-up products

Asbestos-containing make-up continues to be a subject that won’t go away, and it shouldn’t until no traces of this cancer-causing mineral are found in consumer products, especially those geared toward children. The latest development on this topic once again shined a spotlight on Illinois-based Claire’s Stores – a fashion accessories…


New Jersey Appeals Court Revives Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit Against Scotts Turf Builder

A panel of judges for the New Jersey Superior Court’s Appeals Division recently revived a lawsuit brought on behalf of a man who claimed he developed mesothelioma from years of exposure to asbestos in lawn fertilizer made by Scotts. As part of their ruling, the three-judge panel determined that the…


Missouri State House Passes Bill to Limit Compensation for Mesothelioma Cancer Victims

The Missouri state House of Representatives recently approved legislation that could impact the amount of compensation mesothelioma cancer victims could receive for their claims when filing lawsuits against defendants. With Missouri juries handing down substantial verdicts to plaintiffs harmed by the deadly products developed by asbestos companies, lobbyists for the…


Indiana, Kansas latest states considering asbestos claims limits

Legislation that would limit asbestos lawsuits continues to make the rounds throughout the country with Indiana and Kansas lawmakers being the latest to consider it. Created by conservative organization the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the bill in similar formats has been enacted in 12 other states. Critics charge that…


American Society of Clinical Oncology Updates Treatment Recommendations for Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recently convened an expert panel of doctors, researchers, and cancer advocacy experts to review medical literature on mesothelioma studies conducted from 1990 to 2017. The expert panel did so with special interest to survival, disease-free or recurrence-free survival, and quality of life using…


Michigan Lawmakers Pass Bill Restricting Access to Justice for Mesothelioma Victims

Michigan state lawmakers recently passed legislation that could severely restrict access to justice for mesothelioma cancer victims seeking their day in court to recover vital compensation and hold asbestos companies responsible for their dangerous products. The 58-51 vote, along party lines, passed the Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Claims Transparency Act as…


Understanding risks & benefits of mesothelioma clinical trials

After receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis you might be considering treatment options available. For those interested in cutting edge and alternative treatment options, clinical trials might be a choice. Before signing up for a trial, it is important to understand the potential risks and benefits associated with clinical trials. What is…

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