
Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Blog


A Recent Report Shows That Asbestos Imports to the United States Nearly Doubled From 2019 to 2020

The link between mesothelioma, a type of cancer, and asbestos exposure is irrefutable. In fact, asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma. Apart from mesothelioma, asbestos exposure can cause other diseases like asbestosis and lung cancer. In an effort to reduce cases of people developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related…


Asbestos in Rental Properties and Apartments: Some Crucial Information for Tenants

When it comes to apartments and rental properties, tenants usually care a lot about factors like the apartment or rental unit size, rent price, location of the apartment or rental, and safety features. Although these are important factors for tenants to consider, there are many more things people need to…


Preventing Asbestos Exposure

Because of its resistance to corrosion, heat, and electricity, the naturally occurring mineral asbestos was a popular additive to various products in the 20th century. Unfortunately, even though asbestos boasts of such qualities, this substance poses a threat to people’s lives. When inhaled, asbestos fibers can get stuck in a…


Civil and Criminal Regulatory Asbestos Cases: What is the Difference?

When it comes to asbestos production and use, once an individual or company fails to abide by the set rules, they can either face criminal or civil charges. Different states enforce different rules, but both OSHA and the EPA have the right to enforce the law at the federal level.…


Former Mechanic Awarded $8.2 Million in a Lawsuit Against Ford Motor Company

A New Orleans, Louisiana jury recently awarded an $8.2 million mesothelioma verdict to a former mechanic against Ford. Ford Motor Company is a multinational company that designs, manufactures, markets, and services cars, trucks, utility vehicles, and luxury vehicles. After only 60 minutes of deliberation, the Louisiana jury ordered the manufacturing…


Why Should a Mesothelioma Victim Speak to an Attorney?

A lot happens after an individual is diagnosed with mesothelioma. For example, a mesothelioma patient will want to know how the illness will affect their lifestyle and relationships with family and friends. Additionally, shortly after diagnosis, mesothelioma patients start wondering how mesothelioma will affect them financially. The reality is that…


Washington Supreme Court Reinstates an $81.5 Million Verdict in Full in Mesothelioma Case

According to a July 8, 2021 opinion, Washington Supreme Court reinstated an $81.5 million ruling in full after overturning an appellate court ruling for a wrongful death claim of an auto mechanic. According to the Supreme Court ruling, the Court of Appeals “overstepped the limited role played by appellate courts…


Second Hand Asbestos Exposure

The number one leading cause of mesothelioma is occupational primary asbestos exposure. However, even those who do not directly interact with asbestos at the workplace can fall victim to asbestos exposure. Second hand asbestos exposure usually happens when a worker brings home asbestos fibers. Since there is no safe level…


Debunking Some Common Myths About Mesothelioma Legal Claims

When faced with a personal injury or wrongful death claim situation, it can get confusing and complicated. Things can get especially complicated and confusing for a person dealing with a mesothelioma case. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer caused by asbestos. It is a type of cancer that can be…

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