
Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Blog


Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

Mesothelioma specialists are working tirelessly to create new mesothelioma treatments. Specialists are working hard to develop new ways to prevent and detect mesothelioma. Currently, there are several treatment options available for mesothelioma that have already been tested in clinical trials and approved. A good number of prevention and detection methods…


Seven Myths About Asbestos Debunked

Despite all the available information, many myths about asbestos, the dangerous naturally occurring mineral that causes life-threatening illnesses, persist. Unfortunately, many people continue believing these myths, which can prevent individuals from seeking necessary medical treatment and/or exploring their legal options after a diagnosis. Below, we will debunk seven of the…


New California Law Aims to Provide Justice for Surviving Family Members in Mesothelioma Cases

California has allowed victims’ pain and suffering damages to die with them for decades. In other words, California has long barred surviving family members from obtaining pain and suffering damages. Usually, pain and suffering damages are the greatest sum of money at stake in a civil suit. For a very…


Managing Mesothelioma Symptoms

According to Mayo Clinic, mesothelioma is a form of cancer that occurs in the mesothelium. Mesothelioma is a fatal form of cancer, and there is still no cure for it. However, treatment options are available. Often, mesothelioma is diagnosed at an advanced stage, and the main aim of treatment is…


Can You Get Treated for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma if You Do Not Qualify for Surgery?

In a mesothelioma case, surgery is meant to remove cancer from the body. Mesothelioma surgery is intended to help an individual feel better and live longer. Surgery combined with chemotherapy, and, sometimes, radiation, is considered the best mesothelioma treatment. Not All Mesothelioma Patients are Eligible for Surgery Before a doctor…


Why are Courts Seeing Many Secondary Asbestos Exposure Lawsuits?

Secondary asbestos exposure, also known as second-hand asbestos exposure, is when someone who works directly with asbestos or asbestos-contaminated material carries asbestos fibers home and exposes their household members to those fibers. When a worker brings home asbestos fibers, they put their loved ones at risk of developing asbestos-related illnesses…


Is Mesothelioma Contagious?

Mesothelioma, just like other forms of cancer, is not contagious. Touching, sharing meals, or even breathing the same air cannot spread mesothelioma. Generally, cancer cells from a cancer patient cannot live in the body of a healthy person because the immune system usually destroys foreign cells, including cancer cells from…


Wisconsin Jury Orders Company to Pay $26.5 Million to Family of Mesothelioma Victim

Most juries spend weeks hearing evidence about how a victim developed mesothelioma and debating whether negligence played a part in the victim developing the disease. However, unlike most juries who disagree on evidence and whether negligence was involved, the Wisconsin jury in a recently decided mesothelioma case disagreed on the…


Ways Children Can be Exposed to Asbestos

Usually, asbestos-related illnesses such as mesothelioma take years to appear. For this reason, mesothelioma is not common in children. Mesothelioma is much more common in older people with a history of asbestos exposure. However, since mesothelioma takes years before developing, children exposed to asbestos at a young age risk developing…

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