
Indiana Jury Returns $5 Million Verdict for Family of Plaintiff Killed by Asbestos Exposure

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for iStock-460053679.jpgA McLean County, Indiana jury recently handed down a significant trial verdict for the family who brought suit on behalf of their deceased loved one, claiming the defendants allowed the victim to be exposed to asbestos which eventually lead to his mesothelioma cancer diagnosis. It took the men and women of the jury just one hour of deliberation after a two-week trial to hold Tremco Inc. responsible for the victim’s terminal cancer and awarded his surviving family members $5 million on behalf of the estate.

According to local media reports, the 81-year-old victim passed away in 2012 after a hard-fought battle with mesothelioma, a rare and deadly form of cancer commonly affecting the thin lining of tissue surrounding the lungs and abdomen. The plaintiff worked as a window glazier on commercial buildings throughout Central Illinois and northeast Indiana between 1956 and the 1990s, unknowingly using asbestos-contaminated products that would eventually cause his mesothelioma cancer diagnosis.

Attorneys for the plaintiff asserted that the defendant used asbestos in many of the products used by the victim but did not inform him or other workers about the risks involved with asbestos exposure or that it was used in its products. Evidence at trial showed the plaintiff specifically used Tremco’s 440 tape and Mono caulking on construction sites where he installed glass.

Jobs With Risk of Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos is a mineral used for centuries in many different applications, particularly in crafting heat resistant materials. What only became public knowledge in the mid 1900s was just how deadly exposure to the mineral could be, especially when inhaled. Even before government regulators finally began taking a close look at the health risks, industrial manufacturers were well aware of the dangers.

Some of the most common occupations where workers faced asbestos exposure include pipe fitters and welders, where gaskets and various products were manufactured with asbestos to withstand the incredibly high heat and pressure of its application. Many construction workers also unknowingly encountered asbestos in their jobs using hundreds of products like dry wall, vinyl floor tiles, and insulation that was made with the substance.

Despite knowing for decades about the risks their products posed to ordinary people, many manufacturers chose not to label their products as containing asbestos or give workers and consumers the option of choosing products that would not put their health at risk. Fortunately, the law allows victims the right to hold wrongdoers accountable by filing mesothelioma cancer lawsuits against asbestos manufacturers to recover the vital compensation needed to pay back medical bills and recoup lost wages.

Nationwide Mesothelioma Lawyer

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced nationwide mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help pay for your medical treatment to help you and your family live a more comfortable life.

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