
Illinois Attorney General Takes Legal Action Against Hospital That Put Workers and the Public at Risk for Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a dangerous, naturally occurring mineral that was popular many years ago. This mineral was used in many industries because of its attractive qualities. Some of the features that make asbestos commercially desirable include durability, heat resistance, and fireproofing capabilities. Asbestos, when left undisturbed, is harmless. However, when it is damaged or disturbed, its fibers can get into the air, where they can be inhaled, resulting in aggressive and fatal illnesses like mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart. Today, the use of asbestos has significantly declined. However, legacy asbestos still poses a significant risk. Legacy asbestos refers to asbestos-containing materials that were used or installed in buildings and structures before the implementation of stricter regulations on asbestos use and handling. These are materials that were used and installed before the health risks of asbestos exposure became widely recognized. Legacy asbestos can be found in older homes, schools, hospitals, and industrial facilities.

While strict rules are in place that govern the handling of legacy asbestos, negligence continues to put many people at risk. In a recent significant legal move, the Attorney General of Illinois, General Kwame Raoul, filed a legal claim against the owners and operators of Lake Behavioral Hospital in Waukegan, Illinois. The hospital’s demolition subcontractors are also named in the legal claim. The claim alleges that the hospital and its subcontractors violated asbestos handling regulations. Specifically, the A.G. claims that the hospital and its subcontractors mishandled asbestos during a demolition project, posing serious health risks to workers and the general public. The lawsuit alleges that the owners and operators of the hospital and its subcontractors exposed people to asbestos fibers and dust, which, when inhaled, can lead to the development of mesothelioma and other serious illnesses. The A.G. is committed to ensuring the defendants are held accountable for putting workers and the public in danger.

This legal action comes after a federal investigation uncovered numerous violations that exposed many people to asbestos, thus putting them in grave danger. The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reported serious breaches by K.L.F. Enterprises. This subcontractor knew the risks that asbestos exposure posed to workers and others.

According to the A.G.’s lawsuit, the hospital and its demolition subcontractors did not properly inspect the building for asbestos before commencing demolition. The lawsuit also cites improper disposal practices, inadequate notification procedures, and insufficient on-site supervision by trained asbestos abatement professionals. As a result of the lawsuit, all the demolition work was halted pending resolution of the legal case.

While asbestos is no longer commonly used, the risk of asbestos exposure remains as real today as it was many years ago. Unfortunately, despite strict regulations, improper asbestos handling continues to endanger people’s lives. It is our hope that this legal case serves as a caution to other individuals and institutions who do not prioritize people’s safety and well-being.

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If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced nationwide mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help pay for your medical treatment.



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