
How Much Is My Mesothelioma Cancer Lawsuit Worth?

A mesothelioma cancer diagnosis can be devastating news and seemingly come out of nowhere to turn our world upside down. Because mesothelioma takes decades to manifest itself, victims often receive their diagnosis during retirement, but many become affected during their prime income earning years, as well.

Whatever the case, mesothelioma rears its head at the worst time and seriously affects the economic and health outlook for victims and their families. Lost wages, medical treatment, and the grind of fighting the disease all eventually take their toll on victims, leaving them wondering how they will cope with it all.

Fortunately, the law gives these affected parties legal recourse to hold wrongdoers accountable for their negligent actions and file mesothelioma cancer lawsuits to recover for economic damages and pain and suffering. Depending on the circumstances of the case, surviving family members may also pursue claims for loss of emotional, economic, and domestic support should their loved one pass on before the case is resolved.

Recovering Lost Wages in an Asbestos Lawsuit

If you are working when you get a mesothelioma diagnosis, the disease can seriously affect your ability to earn a living and provide for your family. Under our nation’s tort laws, victims who lose income or cannot work due to someone else’s careless actions can file claims to recover for their losses.

When calculating lost wages, victims will need to produce pay stubs, tax returns, and other income-related documents to prove their lost wages while undergoing treatment or ceasing work altogether. In the later scenario, economists may be needed to calculate the life expectancy had the victim not succumbed to mesothelioma and multiply those years by the victim’s income to get a lump sum.

Paying for Medical Treatment

Even decent quality health insurance cannot fully cover the extensive costs of fighting and aggressive form of cancer like mesothelioma. Medical bills are another form of economic damages victims can recover for under the law.

Plaintiffs can recover not only their past and current medical bills but also receive compensation for the future medical care needed to treat the disease and live a more comfortable life. An experienced attorney will consult with medical experts to help establish the plaintiffs necessary future medical care.

Determining Pain and Suffering in a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Calculating damages for the physical pain and suffering as well as the mental anguish of enduring the disease is extremely subjective and can be a major point of contention during litigation. While some settlements and jury awards are multimillion dollar resolutions, others may be worth less as each case is as unique as the jury hearing it.

Having an experienced attorney on your side can make a world of difference when it comes to maximizing the compensation you and your family may be owed. Contact our office to speak to one of our qualified nationwide mesothelioma cancer attorneys about your case and find out what your claim may be worth.

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