
Former Tennessee State Senator Passes Away From Mesothelioma

Sen. Ray Albright, a 26-year veteran in the Tennessee state legislature, recently passed away at the age of 83 after a battle with mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer that typically affects the thin lining of tissue surrounding the lungs and abdomen. Sen. Albright first won election to the Tennessee House of Representatives in 1968, running on a strong environmental platform dedicated to cleaning up air pollution in Chattanooga, known at the time as having the worst air pollution in the state.

Sen. Albright won election to the state Senate in 1970 and became well known for co-sponsoring a bill to put a community college in Chattanooga. Albright grew up in a modest household and valued education as a means for people to advance their careers and improve their lives. Colleagues remembered him as an effective legislator who was well liked. After leaving politics in 1994, Sen. Albright went to work for health care provider Blue Cross in its relations department.

Sen. Albright announced his mesothelioma cancer diagnosis in November of 2016. He disclosed that he likely contracted the disease sometime in the 1950s or 1960s after being exposed to asbestos while working at an engineering plant for Combustion Engineering. The engineering firm owned and operated a boiler manufacturer in Chattanooga as well as many other facilities engaged in many activities associated with asbestos exposure.

State Senator Suffered Asbestos Exposure While Working as a Boilermaker

Boilermakers, pipe fitters, and gasket makers are all professions closely related to asbestos and other deadly manufacturing components. For many decades, asbestos was the go-to for products needing to withstand high heat and found its way into many applications including construction, industrial, nuclear, and military. Other professions associated with mesothelioma include ship building, construction, auto manufacturing and repair, machinists, and drywallers.

Unfortunately, many workers unknowingly suffered asbestos exposure while performing their duties. Although asbestos laden materials proved exceptional for certain applications, their causal link to serious health conditions put hundreds of thousands of people at risk. Even worse, many companies engaged in manufacturing with asbestos knew full well about the risks their products posed but did nothing to warn employees and continued with their practices.

Currently, there is no cure for mesothelioma and because the disease takes decades to show symptoms, many patients are left with few treatment options to fight the disease and live the most comfortable lives possible. Hopefully, with medical advances being made by researches every day, there will one day be a cure for mesothelioma and no one else will have to suffer the hardships associated with the disease.

Nationwide Mesothelioma Lawyer

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our office to speak to one of our experienced nationwide mesothelioma attorneys about your situation. Our office can help investigate your case and determine if compensation can be sought from negligent parties to help pay for your medical treatment to help you and your family live a more comfortable life.

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