Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that occurs due to asbestos exposure. It is a fatal type of cancer that still has no known cure. Fortunately, if you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, you can recover compensation from the negligent party that led to the asbestos exposure.…
Articles Posted in Asbestos
What Gear Protects Workers From Asbestos Exposure?
Personal protective equipment is quite crucial when it comes to protecting oneself from asbestos exposure. If, for example, you work in an asbestos removal company, it is not enough that you use proper removal proceedings. It is important that you use personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment can protect you…
Asbestos Exposure in Boiler Workers
Boilermakers are at a high risk of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was used heavily in several industries in the 20th century. Asbestos is resistant to heat, corrosion, and electricity, and for those reasons, it was seen as an ideal mineral to use in boiler production and…
What You Should Know About Global Asbestos Awareness Week
April 1 to April 7 is Global Asbestos Awareness Week. Every year, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) dedicates this week to bringing together experts and victims from across the globe to share, learn, and take action. If you are only hearing about Global Asbestos Awareness Week, you might be…
Why are Mesothelioma Rates in Women Increasing?
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is caused by asbestos exposure. Some people assume that mesothelioma is a disease that only affects men. Indeed, historically, mesothelioma has been more prevalent in men. But, today, the balance is tipping. More and more women are being diagnosed with this fatal disease.…
Seven Myths About Asbestos Debunked
Despite all the available information, many myths about asbestos, the dangerous naturally occurring mineral that causes life-threatening illnesses, persist. Unfortunately, many people continue believing these myths, which can prevent individuals from seeking necessary medical treatment and/or exploring their legal options after a diagnosis. Below, we will debunk seven of the…
New California Law Aims to Provide Justice for Surviving Family Members in Mesothelioma Cases
California has allowed victims’ pain and suffering damages to die with them for decades. In other words, California has long barred surviving family members from obtaining pain and suffering damages. Usually, pain and suffering damages are the greatest sum of money at stake in a civil suit. For a very…
Is Mesothelioma Contagious?
Mesothelioma, just like other forms of cancer, is not contagious. Touching, sharing meals, or even breathing the same air cannot spread mesothelioma. Generally, cancer cells from a cancer patient cannot live in the body of a healthy person because the immune system usually destroys foreign cells, including cancer cells from…
Ways Children Can be Exposed to Asbestos
Usually, asbestos-related illnesses such as mesothelioma take years to appear. For this reason, mesothelioma is not common in children. Mesothelioma is much more common in older people with a history of asbestos exposure. However, since mesothelioma takes years before developing, children exposed to asbestos at a young age risk developing…
ADAO and its Allies Score Big Win as EPA Agrees to Broader Asbestos Risk Evaluation
Across separate settlements, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) commits to accelerate and strengthen asbestos risk reevaluation under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). On October 13, 2021, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), an organization dedicated to preventing asbestos exposure, said that the organization and its allies had reached…