Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer, usually affecting the lungs and abdomen, caused by exposure to asbestos, a flaky white insulation material once common in industrial applications as well as consumer products. One of the worst aspects of the condition is the long passage of time between exposure and the onset of symptoms that victims may recognize as a serious medical condition.
Often times, asbestos exposure victims are not diagnosed until they are older and the disease is at an advanced stage, giving patients fewer treatment options to improve their health and wellbeing. Due to the passage of time and the complex nature of litigating an asbestos mesothelioma cancer lawsuit, many plaintiffs ultimately succumb to their condition before their claim is resolved.
Situations like these leave surviving family members worried about whether they will receive the compensation necessary to make up for the loss of service provided by their deceased loved one. Fortunately, the law does allow surviving family members to continue lawsuits on behalf of their family members and hold wrongdoers accountable for their careless actions.